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Sign Language Communication

Hearing Today
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Why Our

Hearing health has become a community-based conversation.
How we approach hearing loss and deafness today has evolved from years past.  Hearing well contributes directly to building and maintaining interpersonal relationships and the ability to let individuals fully engage in the world around them.


Deaf Children

Born To
Hearing P


Strongest Age Range Predictor Of Hearing Loss Among Adults


US Population
(25 million)
Experience Tinnitus


Million US Adults Would Benefit From Using Hearing Aids

Courtesy of

Communicating Through Signs
Screening Test

What To Know About
Hearing Loss and Deafness

Hearing Health 

Working with Laptop

All About
Hearing Aids

Hearing Health
Resources & Videos

Resources you can review now. 
Let's get the conversation started!

5-Minute Hearing Screener

Healthcare professionals recommend having your hearing checked once a year, but millions of Americans are overdue.
An online test can give you a sense of how well you can hear and whether you should schedule an in-person hearing test/


No matter your hearing screener results, there are high-risk factors for hearing loss that could affect your quality of life.


Don't delay, check your hearing now! 

What Is An Audiologist

Audiologists are the primary healthcare professionals who evaluate, diagnose, treat, and manage hearing loss and balance disorders in adults and children. Learn more about how an Audiologist can assist with overall hearing health. 

Audiologists treat all ages and types of hearing loss: the elderly, adults, teens, children, and infants.

How Loud is too loud? Find out more.

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